Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain and Palin Rally in Virginia Beach

Linda and I attended the John McCain and Sarah Palin rally today at the Virginia Beach Conference Center. It was quite an experience. We left my house at O Dark Hundred, parked 2 miles away, and waited on a line that snaked around the building a mile before before getting in the door. From that point we found a place on the floor where we wanted to stand and stand we did. We were there 2 hours before the festivities began. Everybody who was anybody in the Republican party as there. The McCains and the Palins were introduced to the crowd by Hank Williams Jr. (Bocephus to those of us in the know). He performed a mini concert before turning the podium over to the guests of honor. By that time I had completely lost all feeling in my legs and I think I was being held up by the crowd. The entire event was televised on national TV, but sadly, not one cameraman felt the need to photograph us. Not to worry, we got someone in the crowd to take a photo of us as proof that we were really there. Enjoy the pictures while I sit back and relax.

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